2015 Individual Results

The Junior National Finals are held at the Homebush State Sports Centre. Girls from 6 - 14 compete in local zone finals and 5 girls from each zone go on to compete at Homebush.
6 Years
Ava Harris - Semi Finalist
9 Years
Grace Duncan - 5th place
Georgia Cleverly - Semi Finalist
Jasmin Longley - Semi Finalist
11 Years
Montana Sadd - Semi Finalist
13 Years
Olivia Farrugia - Semi Finalist
Bree McCormick - Semi Finalist
2015 was our best year yet for Senior individual results. We took out 7 places, had four representatives in Grand , three Open Senior winners, and our Phoebe Collins was crowned Grand Champion girl 2015 (the champion of all national champions).
1st Year Seniors
Brooke Sadd - 2nd Place
2nd Year Seniors
Kaitlyn Kelly - 3rd Place
India Pardy - National Finalist
Open Senior 21-22
Jen Galea - National Finalist
Open Senior 23-24
Phoebe Collins - 1st Place
Open Senior 25-27
Jenna-Beth Taylor - 1st Place
Kelly Blackburn - 5th Place
Open Senior 28+
Emma Funnell - 1st Place
Melissa Redpath - 2nd Place
Anelyse Laraghy - 5th Place
Kristy Bennis - National Finalist
GRAND CHAMPION 2015 - Phoebe Collins
Ladies Under 33
Carly Negendahl - National Finalist